Themed seasonal ad-units

Another new feature just announced by Google is themed, seasonal ad units.

We’re always striving to provide designs for text and image ads that will have the best results for advertisers and publishers. As part of this effort, we’re now offering themed ad units. These ad units will display themed colors and graphics during holidays and special events – you can view examples on our Ad Formats page.

You can enable or disable themed ad units on an account-wide basis by visiting the Account Settings page, or by following the instructions in our FAQ.

I really don’t like these account-wide features. Themed ads might be nice on some of my sites, but not all of them. It would be nice to be able to turn these on or off on a site-by-site basis, or even better, on an ad-by-ad basis.

It would be interesting to see the CTR differences between themed and non-themed ads. If you do any experimentation with this, let us know!


  1. Macsupport Said,

    December 14, 2005 @ 12:54 am

    I have just enabled them on my site. I just wonder how long they take to show up and if they work for all ad units or just certain ones?

  2. Toivo Lainevool Said,

    December 14, 2005 @ 1:06 am

    I’m not sure how long they take to show up. I haven’t seen any Christmas themed ads in the wild yet, so I’m not sure if Google has even started showing them. If anyone sees any, let us know!

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