Pixelotto.com Warning
You may have heard Pixelotto.com, which is set to launch tomorrow. If you haven’t heard, pixelotto is the next scheme from Alex Tew, who created the Million Dollar Homepage. This time he is doing something similar. He is auctioning off a million pixels worth of ads, this time at $2.00 a pixel. The difference this time is that there is a “lotto” attached to the page. Users who click on the ads have a chance of winning 1,000,000 dollars. That’s right, once the whole $2,000,000 worth of pixels is sold, some lucky user will get $1,000,000 of it. He is also giving $100,000 to charity. Leaving himself a tidy $900,000 minus expenses. Not bad, and I think it will work too.
The warning is for people who are considering buying advertising on your site. The traffic that you get from this is going to be pure garbage. People will be click the ads and not caring at all what is on the other side of the link. None of the traffic is going to convert. This will be the equivalent of the garbage traffic that pay-to-surf programs bring. If you are running an ad program like AdSense or YPN, there is a good chance you could get banned from attracting this type of traffic. So, if you do advertise with pixellotto, make sure not to put AdSense or YPN (or any other ad network that cares about quality of traffic) on your landing page.
BloggingTom Said,
December 5, 2006 @ 10:07 am
Pixelotto als Wiederholungshow?
Heute nachmittag habe ich die Strategie zur maximale Laufzeit der gekauften Pixels auf Pixelotto noch als “himmlisch einfach” bezeichnet. Ein paar Stunden sp?ter muss ich das revidieren, denn dahinter steckt offenbar Kalk?l: Pixelotto soll…
Markus Said,
December 5, 2006 @ 10:25 am
Interesting. I’m curious as to whether Google will say something about this or not …
hr.ernst/ DIE LETZTE SEITE Said,
December 5, 2006 @ 12:22 pm
… Interessanter ist am ersten Pixelotto-Abend die Reaktion in Klein-Bloggersdorf, mit >Pixel Lotto für Arme/seo und >Pixelotto als Wiederholungshow/bloggingtom wird versucht, den Start einer neuen Millionen-Show zu kompensieren …
Ed Mip Said,
December 5, 2006 @ 4:00 pm
Nice, something new. I am researching the pixel advertising scene and thought you might be interested in some further information. We are running a weblog about pixel advertising with an associated pixel page.
10xn – PixelAds Resource
Rik Said,
December 5, 2006 @ 5:18 pm
As long as Google sells ads to companies like this: http://www.adsense-contents.com I wouldn’t worrie about getting banned from the adsense program
And to anyone who is ‘reseaching the pixel advertising scene’ I would say: get real, there is no pixel advertising scene, but a bunch of wankers and copycats. Alex I’m sure will make his second million and after that I hope he gets a life.
mikey Said,
December 5, 2006 @ 6:43 pm
okay so this seems like it would be very easy to win if like 500 of us worked together as a team…all we have to do is sign up as players and each player is assigned 10 ads to click every day until all of the ads are being clicked every day and then the million is split evenly among us…sounds simple enough to me
Toivo Lainevool Said,
December 5, 2006 @ 8:10 pm
Rik – Those are Made For AdSense (MFA) sites, which is a different issue from getting bad traffic. I agree Google needs to do a better job policing these MFA sites that are “polluting” the Internet. Bad traffic presents different problems that affect the advertiser directly. It inflates the page view, which costs directly if advertisers are using CPM ads. It also messes with the CTR of any ads that may show on the site, making it difficult to analyze statistics from ads properly.
Mikey – That would only leave $2,000 each. Even with 500 people the chances of winning will be small. I think there will be thousands of people clicking daily.
Ian Said,
December 8, 2006 @ 9:06 am
Some interesting comments here…
Rex Said,
December 9, 2006 @ 2:43 pm
If you have a product or service that will be of interest to a wide enough audience Pixelotto works just fine. My tiny ad for http://www.easy-uk.net has already had a better than expected response after just a few days. So I’ve only got good things to say about Pixelotto.
Toivo Lainevool Said,
December 9, 2006 @ 6:49 pm
Rex, it looks like you have a really good product to advertise on pixelotto. You are advertising a lotto site on a lotto site so it’s a natural fit.
John Said,
January 9, 2007 @ 11:23 am
Is pixelotto becoming a failure? Read this interesting article.. http://www.mycrazycapital.com/the-crazy-idea/2007/01/07/pixelotto-a-failure/
bob Said,
June 22, 2007 @ 2:34 am
Face it Pixelotto is dead.
If it reaches a million by the end of 2007 i would eat my hat.
Alex Tew must have a very expensive hosting bill.
timmy Said,
June 22, 2007 @ 2:38 am
I agree with bob.
Time Management Said,
May 15, 2009 @ 2:55 am
That pixel idea was something interesting but for years ago, can’t believe still people love to join the new scheme!
Dog forums Said,
November 27, 2009 @ 12:40 pm
It looks like its been closed since January 2008. He put a testimonial of someone who won, but there is no way to prove anyone actually got any money.