AdSense Online Advisory Council

Darren at ProBlogger has posted about a new AdSense Online Advisory Council that some AdSense publisher have been asked to join. This council will be made up of publishers who will be able to provide feedback to Google and help test out new products. Of course, everything that the members of this council get to know about will be confidential.

It would be interesting to know what the qualifications for membership are. The invitation email starts out with “Congratulations on your success with the AdSense program. Given your extensive experience with AdSense, I’m happy to invite you to join AdSense’s Online Advisory Council”. I wonder what kind of figures Google sees as a “success” and what it considers “extensive experience”. I would guess that Google wouldn’t simply say “anyone who earns more than $x per month and has been in the program for y months gets an invite”. I would think that they would look at other factors such as quality of traffic, and then pick a nice cross section of publishers of different sizes from different niches.

Overall I think it’s a good thing for Google to do. The more feedback they get from publishers the better. I just hope that they kep listen to all of the publishers out there.


  1. Edge Said,

    September 9, 2007 @ 5:38 am

    The new AdSense Online Advisory Council is real. As of this date, there are 125 members and only 39 messages. The charter does specifically say that all inforamtion provided and discussed is Google confidential and applicable to the Google AdSense terma and conditions.

  2. Toivo Lainevool Said,

    September 9, 2007 @ 9:13 am

    Thanks for the information, Edge.

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