Archive forFebruary, 2010

Google Buzz Contest: Follow Me and Win an Internet Marketing Book

I have been using Google Buzz for over a week now and think it is great. What would make it even better is if I had more followers to interact with. So I’m having a contest to see if I can get more followers. You can win a copy of Internet Marketing From The Real Experts (my affiliate link), edited by Shawn Collins, Missy Ward from Affiliate Summit, and featuring lessons from 88 real world Internet marketers.

All the contest details are on this buzz post.

The contest wil end Friday February 19th at 5:00pm. The winner will be announced shortly after that. I’ll contact the person via Google Buzz and get the address to send the book to.

Good luck!

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Put Your Buzz Posts into WordPress

I have developed a plugin that allows you to put your Buzz posts onto your WordPress sidebar (or anywhere, actually).

I used to have one of those widgets that shows your Tweets, It didn’t make sense to do that any more since I have been using Buzz more than Twitter. You can see the new plugin is in action on the right sidebar on this blog.

You can get the plugin here:

Please let me know what you think

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