Archive forAdSense

Best AdSense Resources of 2005 Poll

Eric Giguere has announced Best AdSense Resources of 2005 Poll. Go and vote for your favorite book, blog, case study, forum, personality, tool and website.

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AdSense/Chitika/YPN Preview Tool

Digital Inspiration has release a new tool to preview ads for AdSense, YPN and Chitika. This is similar to Google’s AdSense preview tool that they have for Internet Explorer, but has some big advantages:

  • Ads from AdSense, YPN and Chitika can all be previewed, including side-by-side comparisons of AdSense vs. YPN and AdSense vs. Chitika. This is very useful for seeing how the relevancy of ads compare across all three networks.
  • The tool can show link unit ads and image ads
  • They have a Firefox extension that will let you preview AdSense ads. I could never figure out why Google hasn’t done this themselves since they seem to be such big supporters of Firefox.
  • Read the Yahoo YPN, Chitika, AdSense Preview Tool announcement.

    Found via Eric Giguere’s AdSense Blog

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Google Cracking Down on Trademark Use

Google has been cracking down on websites which use trademarked terms like “Google” or “AdSense” in the domain name. They have been sending letters to publishers indicating that this is a TOS violation and that AdSense can no longer be used on the site.

Eric Giguere and a poster on WebmasterWorld have both reported getting letters.

This is important to keep in mind when choosing domain names. If you plan to run AdSense on a site, don’t use any of Google’s trademarks.

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What Does the Google/AOL Deal Means to Publishers?

According to a New York Times article (registration required), Google is purchasing a 5% stake in AOL for one billions dollars. Here is my take on how this will affect the AdSense world.

One thing that will change is that Google will put special AOL ads on their web sites.

If a user searches on Google for a topic for which AOL has content – like information about Madonna – there will be a special section on the bottom right corner of the search results page with links to Technically, AOL will pay for those links, which will be identified as advertising, but Google will give AOL credits to pay for them as part of the deal. They will also carry AOL’s logo, the first time Google has agreed to place graphic ads on its search result pages.

The one effect I see this having may be a slight decrease in CTR for AdWords advertisers. The regular AdWords ads that are displayed on Google’s searches will have more competition on the screen, so they will be clicked less often. Advertisers may not be too happy about this.

The other slightly disturbing thing was this quote:

Google will also provide technical assistance so AOL can create Web pages that will appear more prominently in the search results list. But this assistance will not change computer formulas that determine the order in which pages are listed in Google’s search results.

If Google engineers, who know the “computer formulas” are giving technical assistance, this means that they will have an unfair advantage over other publishers in getting good results in the SERPs. Other publishers need to guess what SEO techniques work best on websites. If AOL knows what works best they will do better than everyone else.

To me this goes against Google’s philosophy of always providing the most “natural” results as possible in their search results.

More commentary at John Battelle’s Searchblog

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AdSense Webinar on New Features

Google is hosting another AdSense Webinar, this time to go over the new features they have recently introduced. If you are an AdSense publisher, you will receive an email with the details:

Dear Publisher,

Want to learn about new AdSense features?

Join our AdSense publisher webinar. Our experts will take you
through AdSense referrals, Onsite Advertiser Sign-up, new reporting
features and more. We’ll also leave time for members of our team to
answer your AdSense questions.


Date and time

Wednesday December 21st
9:00 A.M. PST/ 12:00 PM EST/ 5:00 P.M. GMT


Unfortunately, space is limited and registration will be taken on a
first come basis. Please note that participation is by invitation only.

To register, click on the link below or paste it into a new browser

Once you register, instructions for participation will be sent to you
via email.

The last webinar, which I blogged about, was back in August. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to attend this one, but if I do, I’ll blog about it again.

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Christmas Gift From Google

There is a WebmasterWorld Thread about Google sending out Christmas gifts to some of their publishers, the gift includes:

- marooon carrying case with embossed google logo. zipper closure
- wireless mini mouse, with scroll wheel
- usb charger for mouse with retractable cord
- usb 4 port hub
- usb gooseneck led light
- 128mb usb flash drive with wrist strap
- headset with retractable cord. has two plugs (one for mic and one for earbud) so it is for a computer, not a mobile phone.

It would be interesting to see how much you have to earn before Google sends a gift.

Update: Darren at ProBlogger has posted a picture of the gift.

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AdSense Payment by Christmas

It looks like Google is trying to make sure AdSense publishers get their payments a little early this month so that they arrive by Christmas. I spotted the following tip when I logged into my AdSense account:

If you haven’t received last month’s payment by the 25th of this month, please contact us using your login email address and include the check details of your payment.

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Colored AdSense Referral Buttons

JenSense is reporting that AdSense has added colored referral buttons. The referral setting page on the AdSense console now includes buttons with green and blue backgrounds.

I still wish they allowed publishers to make their own graphics, or use text links, but I guess this is a step in the right direction.

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New AdSense for Search Designs

Another AdSense improvement from Google is new AdSense for Search designs.

With several new formats available for the AdSense for search box, you can integrate AdSense for search into your site even better. Visit the ‘Search code’ page, under the AdSense for search tab, to view the new designs and see which is the best fit for your site.

If I remember correctly, the differences I can see is that the Google Logo is optional, you can specify the background color, and the length of the search box can be modified. (It’s been a while since I looked at the Search code page, so correct me if I am wrong). These are good changes for blending the search boxes into you site better. I like these changes.

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Improvement to Link Units

Another recent improvement to AdSense.

We’ve optimized the landing page users reach when they click on a topic in any link unit. By providing users with more relevant ads and topics, we’ve seen improved link unit performance – and you’ll see improved monetization.

They didn’t specifiy what the changes are, but anything that improves performance sounds good to me. I’ll have to try to remember to check the revenue from my link units in a week or two to see if I notice any difference.

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