Archive forContextual Ad Networks

AdSense Tip #3: Different Color Palettes

AdSense allows you to customize the color palette of the ads that are placed on your site. There are five different color elements on each ad: Border, Background, Title, Text and URL. The colors that you choose can affect how often the ads are clicked, which directly effects your earnings.

There are two main schools of thought when it comes to the color palette of ads: 1) make them blend in with your site, or 2) make them stand out.

Blending In

The thought behind blending in ads with your site is that people will not be able to identify them as ads right away and have a tendency to look at them more often. To make your ads blend in, make the borders of the ad and the background color of the ad the same color as your web page’s background. Then make the Title and URL of the ad the same color as links on your page. Finally, make the text of the ad the same color as the text on your page. Doing this will give the ads a very natural appearance on your page.

Standing Out

The other school of thought contends that ads that stand out from the rest of the page will get noticed more often, and therefore they will be clicked more often. There are many ways to choose a color palette that stands out, but it’s usually best to stick with something that is complementary to your overall website design. You don’t want to have an ugly site just for a few extra clicks per day!

I have experimented with ads that blend in versus ads that stand out and found that the ads that blend in had a click through rate of about 30% higher than those that don’t. Not a huge amount, but definitely worth trying out. I encourage you to experiment to see what works best on your site. Use the comments feature of this blog to tell us the results of your own experiments.

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Google AdSense Blog?

I recently discovered (via the JenSense Blog) that Google has a blog for AdWords advertisers at It made me wonder why they didn’t have a blog for AdSense publishers. So, I tried typing in, and I got a username/password dialog box. So something is there, we just can’t see it. I wonder if this means there will be a Google blog for us AdSense users soon? I hope so!

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AdSense Tip #2: Different Ad Formats

AdSense has many different ad formats to select from. See Google’s list of ad formats for a current selection.

Different ad formats work better than others. Some people may report getting high click through rates with leaderboards, while others may report getting good results with skyscrapers. Which one is best for your site? Unfortunately, the answer is: it depends. There is no way to determine which one will perform best on your site unless you try out different ad formats. You have to experiment to find out which is best for you (there will be a separate tip on experimentation later in this series).

There are some general rules that may help though. When it comes to ad formats, the old adage “bigger is better” seems to be true. People seem to consistently report that the larger ad formats work better than smaller ones. The 336×280 Large Rectangle generally outperforms the 300×250 Medium Rectangle. The 160×600 Wide Skyscraper generally outperforms the 120×600 Skyscraper.

Balance Ads with Design

Of course, when choosing ad formats it is also important to remember to choose ads that fit in well with your site. If you compromise the design of your site, the user experience will be worse and you may lose visitors. When going to a site, nobody likes to be confronted with a barrage of large ads at the top of the page with content that can only be seen by scrolling down. Keeping a balance between ads and content is important.

Figuring out which ad formats are best takes a lot of experimintation, but finding the right combination of ads on you site will pay off with higher earnings from the AdSense program.

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AdSense Tip #1: Comply with All of AdSense Policies

Google can and will kick you out of the AdSense program if they find out
that you have been violating the terms of the agreement with them. The rules are outlined
in policies of the AdSense program.

Not only will they kick you out of AdSense and ban you for life, they will
keep any money that you have earned in the program. It’s worth the effort to
play by the rules!’

Some of the things you need to make sure you avoid are:

  • Clicking on you own links. This is known-as click fraud and is probably the
    fastest way to get banned from AdSense.
  • Encouraging other to click on you links. You can’t say ‘Please click my links so
    I can buy a beer today’. Google even frowns upon having an arrow pointing to
    your ads.
  • Displaying ads on an error page, registration page or thank you page.
    The page must be a real content page.

These are just a few of the ways to get onto Google’s bad side. I strongly encourage
you to read the policy yourself, and re-read them whenever you make major changes
to your site.

The best way to not make any money using AdSense is to get kicked out of the program,
so be careful. If you have any doubts, email Google with your questions, they
are always very helpful.

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AdSense for Feeds

Google has announced a beta program for their Google AdSense for Feeds Program. People have been talking about this coming for some time now. It seems like a great new revenue stream for AdSense publishers. I’d love to join but there is a requirement of 100 active subscribers, which I don’t think I have yet.

(Found via John Battelle’s Searchblog)

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AdSense Tips

I’m going to write a series of entries about getting the most out of AdSense. Most of the information in here will be familiar to those who have done a lot of reading about AdSense, but some beginners might get something out of these entries, and the more experienced users could always use reminders.

The list of topics that I’ve currently got planned are:

  • Complying with AdSense policies
  • Ad formats
  • Custom colors
  • Ad positioning
  • Experimentation
  • High paying click
  • Ads per page
  • Relevant ads
  • Asking Google for help
  • Alternate ads
  • Emulate success
  • Search boxes
  • Blogging

No guarantees that the topics will stay that way, or of the order.

Look for the first entry within the next few days.

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AdSense Heat Map

Google has come up with a neat “Heat Map” to their optimization tips page.

Google AdSense Heat Map

It helps you visualize the best places on the page to put your ads. I like it a lot! Expect to see the position of the ads on to change soon ;)

(Source: JenSense)

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Google AdSense in RSS

In case anyone missed it, Google is going to be offering AdSense inside of RSS feeds. See Longhorn Blogs entry on this.

This means we should see the earnings numbers for the Blog category go up once these ads go public.

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