Google Sends out Payments to Publishers Who Missed their Check

JenSense is reporting that Google is making good on the checks they missed out on. They are issuing checks, via DHL, to all the publishers that were affected by Google’s goof up between AdWords and AdSense account.

I’m really glad that Google is making things right. I really want to believe that the publishers in the AdSense ecosystem are important to them.

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Google Goofs on Some AdSense Payments

JenSense is reporting that Google has had a bit of a mix-up, and sent some checks out to wrong addresses or payees. Google somehow cross-pollinated information from AdWords account into AdSense accounts.

If this happened to me I would be very, very upset. It is a clear violation of the Terms and Conditions that says:

You shall be sent by Google within approximately thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar month that Ads are running on Your Site and/or Search Results Pages if Your earned balance is $100 or more.

For me, AdSense is not my primary source of income, but for those people who depend on AdSense income, this would be a very serious issue.

This is the first time I have heard of Google making such a big mistake. As Jennifer pointed out, with competition coming from YPN (and soon, Microsoft), this is not the time to be screwing up.

I hope Google does a mea culpa and sends out checks to everybody who was affected.

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Submit Your September Earning

Its the beginning of the month again, so let’s see some earning for September. Just go to the AdMoolah Input Page to submit your monthly totals

I hope it was a record month for you!

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AdSense EFT out of Beta

AdSense announced that the Electronic Funds Transfer is now out of beta and available for publishers in 16 countries. I have been using EFT since they started the beta and really like the convenience of it.

Found via Digital Point Forums.

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New Danger: Splogs Copy AdSense for RSS Ads

I came across a splog (spam blog) today that had what seemed like a dangerous element to it. This splog was simply copying entries from other RSS feeds and posting them to their own blog. (Of course, no credit was given to the original author.) However, I noticed one of the original entries had an AdSense for RSS ad on it, and this was also copied into the splog. I checked and the publisher ID in the splog matched the publisher ID on the original site. This means the ad is showing up on a site that the original publisher has no control over.

This seem particularly nasty because if the splog is violating AdSense Policy, the original publisher may be penalized for it. I’m sure Google is smart enough to know what is going on, but it certainly is something to watch out for.

You can get more information about fighting splog.

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AdSense Ads Include “Advertise On This Site”

Dave Taylor has an article on his site about a new beta program from AdSense that ads an “Advertise on this site” link on ad units. When the link is clicked it takes the visitor to a page that talks about the referring site and has an invitation to sign up with AdWords.

I don’t agree with Dave who says: “This is very exciting news for those of us involved in the AdSense / AdWords world, and I’m looking forward to Google making it more pervasive”. I don’t want one of these links on my site. If an advertiser wants to put an ad on my site I want him to contact me directly. I don’t want to have to share the revenue with Google. I hope this will be an optional feature and not something that publishers have no control over.

Found via: ProBlogger

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AdWords Users Required to Use Google Account

Soon, Google AdWords users will be required to create a Google Account to sign into AdWords. Currently Google accounts are used for things such as Gmail, Google Groups, and Froogle. This change will be done by January 15, 2006

This seems like a very bizarre move to me. AdWords users are primarily business users, while the other Google services are primarily consumer based services. I’ll be creating a new Google Account strictly for my AdWords account to keep it separate from my personal Google account.

Why would Google force AdWords users to do this? My guess is they are trying to consolidate all their user administration services to ease maintenance and updates.

I’m they’ll be doing the same thing for AdSense users soon.

Found via ThreadWatch.

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Microsoft Sells Ads of it Own

The New York Times has an article explaining how it is starting to sell its own ads instead of relying on Yahoo to sell ads. This is good news for publishers because it means we are one step closer to getting a third alternative to AdSense and YPN. They are starting to sell ads on some of their own web sites, but will expand to allow other publishers.

Here are some interesting bits from the article:

Microsoft also expects to use its new system to sell ads on other Web sites, just as Yahoo and Google do with their systems.

The MSN system, like other search-based ad systems, will let advertisers specify how much they will pay each time a user clicks on their ad. MSN will also let advertisers bid different amounts depending on the characteristics of the user who sees the ad.

He said that once Microsoft had a large number of advertisers and had refined its ad placement formulas, it would be able to compete with Google and Yahoo to sell ads on other Web sites because it would be able to offer higher ad revenue.

Update: Microsoft has an official press release.

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YPN Results Improving

I recently reported on my first week with YPN. Since then, YPN seems to be doing better on this Vegas-themed site.

For the last 8 days, YPN has actually been outperforming AdSense by 15%. If you don’t include the AdSense Link ads, the advantage jumps to 35%. This jump in earnings for YPN comes from both a boost in both CTR and CPC. This could be because there seems to be an additional targeted ad in YPN now, for the first week there only seemed to be 2 targeted ads, now there are 3 targeted ads.

Over the whole 15 days, things are pretty close. I’ll have to keep my eye on the results to see who the long term winner is.

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What is Good CTR in AdSense?

Darren at ProBlogger has a great post about the factor that affect CTR. His list of reasons are:

- CTR varies between topics
- CTR relates to Ad relevancy
- CTR can vary seasonally
- CTR varies between reader types
- CTR varies between ad design and placement options
- CTR varies depending upon other site design factors
- CTR varies depending upon other options to ‘click’

I think this is a pretty thorough list. The post has a lot more details on each point and is worth a read.

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