Google AdSense in RSS

In case anyone missed it, Google is going to be offering AdSense inside of RSS feeds. See Longhorn Blogs entry on this.

This means we should see the earnings numbers for the Blog category go up once these ads go public.

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Query by URL

Made another update This time I added query by URL. From the query page, you can enter a partial or full url to search for in the earnings database.

This feature came about after a short discussion at Elliott Bäck’s blog. There he says “Looking at a specific site would be a great way to attract ‘vanity searches’ from people looking for their own numbers.” Thanks for the idea Elliott!

Hope you like the new features.

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Query by Language

We updated today to include the language of the website when data is being input. You can also now query earnings by language.

Thanks to Julio Alonso for the suggestion. User feedback is very important to us so keep it coming!

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AdWords Site Targeted Ads

Google has a new enhancement to their AdWords program called
Site Targeted Ads.

Site targeting lets advertisers choose individual sites in the Google content network where they’d like their ads to appear. Since Google first introduced AdWords, advertisers have asked us for the ability to run their ads on specific websites. Site targeting gives our users that ability, while also allowing their ads to compete for ranking with traditional keyword-targeted AdWords ads. It’s one more tool that AdWords advertisers can use to bring their message to highly-targeted groups of web users.


The program is in beta right now and only available to a few advertisers, but it will eventually be available to all advertisers.

This could have some serious consequences to AdSense revenues. High quality, popular websites will be in high demand, and start earning more. Lower quality, less poplar sites will not be chosen by advertisers, reducing their earnings potential.

There is additional coverage at JenSense and SearchEngineWatch.

I’m curious to find out what other AdSense publishers think. Use the comments link below to share your thoughts.

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AdMoolah Launched!

Today we launched AdMoolah – a website for sharing and comparing Google AdSense earnings.

In March 2005, Google updated the policies of the AdSense program to allow users to “accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments”. This is great news for webmasters because now we can get a sense of how we compare to other sites and we get to find out what kinds of numbers are possible. That’s the idea behind this site.

If you are at all interested in Google AdSense, or website advertising in general, we would love for you to take a look at the site and let us know what you think. Email us with you comments and suggestions.


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